1.1 Apologies from Cllr Platts.



2.1 Rosemary Johnson asked if having your name associated with a comment in the previous minutes is an error or a change of policy, noting potential security reasons for not naming individuals.

2.2 Thomas Bald said he is unsure of any policy but will check with their manager.

2.3 Rosemary Johnson raised issue with previous minutes page 3 item 1.13, clarifying her position on the council listing people as being in arrears when they are not.

2.4 Rosemary Johnson reflected that point 1.16 of the previous minutes was referring to a specific meeting organised by Cllr Hugh-Jones regarding leaseholder payments that went very well.

2.5 Rosemary Johnson asked, in reference to point 1.19, if electric vehicles can be supplied with longer cables, she was informed by the interim head of repairs and maintenance that this is possible. Rosemary suggested placing car chargers on the right-hand side on a one-road street for accessibility purposes.

2.6 Justine Harris detailed ongoing issues regarding moss growth on Langley-crescent.

2.7 Justine is asked by Natalie if she has spoken to the individual who is responsible for fences and informed Natalie she is unsure if this has happened.

2.8 Cllr Simson stated that problems may be caused if the ownership of land is not clarified.

2.9 Justine Harris provided an update on a resident engagement review being undertaken to address issues, including the chairing of Area Panels, but the review had been delayed due to staff absence but when completed the review will be reported to area panels and the housing committee.

2.10 Keeley stated that there was not an established timeframe for this review.

2.11 Cllr Mears addressed concerns regarding the complexity of the review.

2.12 Chair stated that complexity arose when the councillor for the area became independent.



3.2 The Chair asked why recycling bins have not been collected by Veolia if they are a separate private company to Cityclean.

3.3 Janet Gearing and Cllr Mears stated that both Viola and Cityclean are on strike.

3.4 The Panel was informed that Melissa Francis was an operations manager for CityClean.

3.5 The Chair expressed concern over fly-tipping.

3.6 Janet Gearing expressed concern over CityClean management.

3.7 Cllr Mears informed Janet the cause of the strikes wouldn’t have been the decision of one manager alone.

3.8 Cllr Williams stated that East Brighton Councillors have been inundated with complaints about waste for some time and clarifies that the administration has engaged in ‘independent negotiations’ with the union and highlighted that senior Council management also needs to be pushed.

3.9 Rosemary Johnson stated that the author of the response to graffiti concerns should be present in the meeting and stated in response to the final line of the response that graffiti in Craven Vale is on Council (rather than private) property, and invited councillors, and the operations manager for CityClean, to come and see the graffiti for themselves. Alan seconded this and Rosemary asked for a further reply.

3.10 The Chair highlighted that progress was being made regarding the estate development budget task and finish group, but highlighted concerns about getting the chance to speak at these.

3.11 Rosemary Johnson criticised the estate development budget task and finish group, suggesting that a senior individual capable of implementing change should be in attendance.

3.12 Rosemary Johnson was informed that the task and finish group was established to inform the area panels where action is taken.

3.13 Janet Gearing asked Keeley if residents can put in an EDB bid for gym equipment worth £8000. Janet Gearing was informed that EDB funding would not be able to be granted for purchases already made, but informed Janet that there is an alternative to EDB funding and will talk to colleagues on the Environmental Improvement Budget Board about this.

3.14 Cllr Simson expressed concerns regarding EDB structures, stating that EDB is becoming ‘Neighbourhood Renewal’, highlighting importance of tenant’s associations. Cllr Mears added that the EDB budget comes out of the housing revenue account, which is made up of tenants rent, and as such tenants should have the say as to what happens regarding EDB.

3.15 Keely McDonald confirmed that the budget is still resident-led and that officers do not make decisions regarding EDB.

3.16 Cllr Mears expressed further concerns regarding changes to the structure of EDB.

3.17 The Chair moved onto Ground Maintenance Service, highlighting large amounts of vineweed that has grown and stated that work does not get carried on.

3.18 Rosemary Johnson asked if there were any herbicides, rather than pesticides, that can be used.

3.19 Alan Cooke asked if it was the responsibility of the residents, rather than the council, to maintain an item that had been secured through an EDB grant, using plants as an example. Alan Cooke was informed that it is the responsibility of the residents, unless the item is large like a hedge.

3.20 Cllr Williams suggested that members of the panel receive training from Bethan Hudson regarding the development fund.

3.21 The Chair revisited concerns regarding weeds, stating that individuals have caught their feet in them.

3.22 The Chair highlighted, in regard to tackling anti-social behaviour in high rise blocks, that it can be difficult to get the police involved.

3.23 Rosemary Johnson highlighted concerns about individuals using their flats for illegal purposes, citing page 21 of the agenda. The Chair recommended reporting illegal activities to the police. Alan Cooke highlighted difficulties in enforcing evictions of individuals in breach of the law.

3.24 Bethan Hudson mentioned that under ‘Any Other Business’ there is an anti-social behaviour policy review.

3.25 Cllr Mears stated that she has been contacted by residents across the city that flats are being used of drug dealing.

3.26 Ododo Dafe informed the Chair that ‘EDN + B Request’ was a typo that was intended to read ‘EDB Request’.

3.27 The Chair communicated, in regard to vaping in flats, that it is the resident’s business what they do in their flat as there is no evidence of harm from vaping so long as it is not done in communal areas. Rosemary Johnson expressed concern regarding the effect of vaping in communal areas for those with asthma.

3.28 The Chair communicated a written response from Miles Davison regarding future gas central heating.

3.29 Cllr Williams stated that residents can obtain more detailed answers from officers by requesting this from the answering officer. Cllr Williams also stated that it is possible for residents to adopt a ‘no vaping’ policy in communal living areas.

3.30 Justine Harris confirmed she would look into signage options for vaping and smoking.






4.1 Cllr Williams communicated that she has contacted a firm called ‘Maverick’ regarding a skate park and was given a price estimate of £250,000. Cllr Williams stated that they, along with Cllr Platts, have contacted local police officers who were in support of a skate-park due to its community benefits. Cllr Williams mentioned a ‘police community fund’ that may be able to be utilized along with a potential sponsorship from the racecourse. Cllr Williams suggested the establishment of a young person lead project board to allow them to get involved, stating that Maverick have agreed this would be possible.

4.2 The Chair was informed that a recent survey had identified four potential sites for the skate-park.

4.3 Daniel Harris, representing the Park Life Group, stated that the survey received 223 responses regarding four potential locations, reporting that the Crew Club was the most popular location followed by East-Brighton Park.

4.4 The Panel had no disagreements to having a skatepark in East-Brighton when asked by Cllr Williams.

4.5 Cllr Williams was informed that a neighbourhood consultation would need to take place facilitated by the community engagement team.

4.6 Caroline agreed that it would be possible to establish a young-persons project board and expand on the survey, stating that feedback from the Crew Club could be necessary.

4.7 Daniel Harris stated that 56 email addresses had been collected from individuals who wanted to be involved and informed the panel that Park Life suggested involving skaters from Brighton Youth Centre in the consultation as most respondents to the survey were over the age of 26.

4.8 Daniel Harris stated that the demographic for skate-park use extended to people over the age of 30, and expressed interest in having a separate area in the skate-park for learners and beginners.

4.9 Alan Cooke was informed that the age-range of the young-persons project board would be between 14-26 years old.

4.10 Cllr Simson stated that the bulk of the money granted to Woodingdean skate-park was given by Veolia and the project was driven by a young-persons consultation project. Cllr Simson also stated that Woodingdean skate-park caters for individuals as young as 3 years old, commending its inclusivity.

4.11 The importance of addressing individual concerns, particularly of those who might live close to the skatepark and offered support as a TDC, was highlighted.

4.12 Tony informed Cllr Williams Sport’s England would be interested in supporting the skatepark, stating it would be worth looking into their priorities to secure potential funding.

4.13 It was stated that Richard Ricardo (Skatepark Development Officer) helped with the Moulsecoomb skatepark.

4.14 Rosemary Johnson was informed of the location of the Crew Club.

4.15 The Chair highlighted success of skatepark in Shoreham.

4.16 Justine Harris highlighted success of skatepark in Newhaven, suggesting a site visit.

4.17 Tony was informed that there is a BMX track planned for Black Rock.

4.18 Cllr Simson informs the panel there is a swimming pool planned near Peter Pan Playground.

4.19 Cllr Williams suggested setting up a working party and a meeting, exclusively on skateparks, to begin action on the skatepark.



5.1 Alan Cooke mentioned the week of events, commending the community barbecue and stating that 80-100 people attended. He also stated that the community has obtained a table-tennis table from the table tennis club which has brought benefit to the community.

5.2 Rosemary Johnson stated that the vale community centre is open every Tuesday for tea, coffee and cakes and informed the panel that there is a combined quiz and darts night starting on Friday 15th October.

5.3 Janet Gearing informed the panel that the gym is being constructed and asked Keeley McDonald if a bid could be put in for extra funding for the gym.

5.4 Janet Gearing was informed by Keeley that EDB funding would not be able to be granted for purchases already made, but informed Janet that there is an alternative to EDB funding and will talk to colleagues on the Environmental Improvement Budget Board about this.

5.5 Tracey Silsby asked the panel’s thoughts on the installation of a ‘pod’ installed at the north of Whitehawk for use by children to keep them off the street in the area, citing concerns that there is not currently enough for them to do.

5.6 Daniel Harris stated that Parklife fully supports Tracey Silsby’s idea, offering toys if needed.

5.7 Tracey Silsby highlighted that children don’t feel comfortable travelling across Whitehawk citing this as a reason for the installation of a ‘pod’.

5.8 The Chair agreed with Tracey Silsby, iterating the North/South divide in Whitehawk.

5.9 Cllr Simson suggested that the panel acquire a container from New England Hill, informing the panel that Brighton Housing Trust would be the contact.

5.10 Tracey Silsby suggested putting a unit down by the new park for use as a café facility.

5.11 Daniel Harris supported Tracey’s idea.

5.12 Ododo Dafe stated their support for the ideas presented.

5.13 Janet Gearing suggested having the skatepark in a neutral location so that it can be used by children in both the north and south of Whitehawk.

5.14 Tony agreed with Janet and suggested that Tracey meet with Daniel to discuss their ideas.

5.15 The Chair stated that party for local food producers went well and that a plaque had been installed regarding their presence.





6.1 The Chair read the ASB policy review from the Agenda.


6.2 Rosemary Johnson was informed that if an individual lets their flat to the council and the property is damaged, the council pay to restore it.


6.3 The Chair called the meeting to an end at 21:03.